New Trend IQ installed in Fitzwimarc Academy

The Fitzwimarc Academy in Essex is benefiting from the new Trend IQ4 BEMS system.

Our work included the design, supply, and installation of a new MCC located in the main plantroom. We also provided the integration between the natural ventilation and Trend to allow monitoring and occupancy control of the classrooms. The Science rooms were installed with gas isolation panels to isolate the gas when the CO2 levels increase to an unsafe and in some cases the water and electrical supply is also isolated. The main MCC also houses an IQ View with a full a graphics package which allows local interrogation and adjustments to be made to the system.

The school is increasing in pupil numbers by 150 and the new three-storey block will replace old buildings, which have fallen into disrepair, to give the students a modern learning experience.

The 2,500m² project consists of new science and food technology rooms, as well as the construction of a new entrance complete with a canopy, reception area and administration space. The new block will provide teaching facilities for 330 students and a brand-new canteen for the whole school.

The works were completed against the client programme where key dates had to be met to allow mechanical commissioning to be completed. ABEC worked closely with the client to develop our own programme and sequence of works. This collaboration aids in ensuring dates are met and the school gets handed over before the start of the new academic year in September.

This was the first school we worked on where we had to integrate with the 3rd party natural ventilation system (Breathing Buildings). ABEC and Breathing Buildings worked together to ensure any issues were ironed from the outset.

As this is a new build school we focused on energy saving where we coul and where the specification calls for certain control parameters to be met. The client also has a requirement to meet energy saving criteria and credits.

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Trend IQ4 BEMS Installations