Future proofing RVC’s BeMS with no Capex

An innovative approach to BeMS design and funding has produced significant savings for the Royal Veterinary College.

RVC is one of the world’s leading veterinary schools – at the forefront of research and training the next generation of leading vets. It wanted to match this commitment to excellence in its approach to energy consumption.

Initially, CBRE, on behalf of RVC, asked ABEC to carry out a BeMS survey to identify potential improvements to the existing systems at its two campuses: Hawkshead in Hatfield and Camden.

To maximise the value of this survey, ABEC used its BeMS Optimisation support matrix. Designed in-house by its experienced engineers, the matrix is a vital assessment that presents a full, detailed report of BeMS control and monitoring improvements as part of any upgrade works.

While reliable, a BeMS survey is focused on the condition of the existing BeMS only. It quickly became clear to ABEC’s experts that carrying out an additional energy survey – looking at areas including HVAC and lighting – could identify significantly more energy savings opportunities.

To achieve this, ABEC offered a significant change in approach on the part of a BeMS and energy specialist: offering a one-stop solution, upgrading their current obsolete BeMS, detailed energy surveys and funding opportunities available to achieve the energy savings. ABEC was the consultant, designer and engineer all at once – taking away the challenges of multi-layer project management for RVC.

ABEC was determined to ensure that its recommendations were achievable to RVC – not only technically but also financially. Funding was a crucial element to providing RVC with a viable project. This was achieved by ensuring that the proposed improvements also complied with Salix, a public sector funding organisation.

Salix is a superb funding initiative solely focused on offering 100% interest free capital loans to the public sector to fund energy efficiency projects. Salix is funded by a variety of government bodies – including DECC and the Department of Education – and the Welsh Government and is open to public sector organisations throughout the UK.

Salix funds the initial capital expenditure and that loan is then paid back from RVC’s energy savings. Once the loan has been repaid, RVC gets to keep all the additional savings.

For a project to qualify, it must meet a number of criteria, primarily on payback – a maximum five years – and lifetime emissions savings. It all needs to be backed up by evidence that the project will work and a detailed business case.

Because ABEC’s approach identified proven energy savings opportunities, the technologies recommended to RVC already provided the concrete evidence base the Salix technical team needed. Additionally, the improvements to the BeMS were specifically designed to meet a three year payback period, well within Salix’s five-year maximum.

This meant that the Salix-compliant report and business case that ABEC provided to RVC was completely ready for Salix. The result? A fully funded energy system upgrade across multiple buildings and two campuses.

The systems are future-proofed for 15-20 years and is saving in excess £350,000 p/a – a huge 28% of RVC’s HVAC energy spend. All of this without RVC having to front any of its own capital.

Services Included
Key Facts

April 2016

ABEC delivered a fully funded energy system upgrade across multiple buildings and two campuses.

The systems are future-proofed for 15-20 years and is saving in excess £350,000 p/a – a huge 28% of RVC’s HVAC energy spend.

All of this without RVC having to front any of its own capital.